Innovative startups: the website is a must!

Many innovative startups base their functionality on advanced technological platforms, but a study published by one of them questions their actual effectiveness online: the report from Instilla reveals a flaw in communication… is the innovation real?

Talking about innovative startups is now a common topic: the presence of investment funds (and large companies looking for ideas) has fostered the creation of many small businesses formed by young people (typically under 30) eager to showcase their talent and the greatness of their dreams. But… the authors of Instilla’s report have scrutinized the companies registered as innovative startups in the Chamber of Commerce Registry as of December 31, 2015: innovation should go hand in hand with high visibility on the internet…

…yet it seems that less than 60% of these so-called companies have a website, and only 42% have an updated and functional one. An even more significant statistic to understand the situation: less than 30% of these “innovative startups” have a site that has passed the Google Mobile-Friendly Test… this means not only a significant gap in SEO optimization but also a lack of attention to the very platform that is essential for startups—the smartphone itself.

It is hard to imagine a scenario where a startup can generate real innovation without being visible online, and although the number of formally registered startups is not an exhaustive measure of the level of innovation of businesses, it remains to be asked whether these companies have considered the right numbers and know how to communicate effectively with their target audience.

Innovative startups cannot just claim to be innovative… demonstrating it through action, without a solid and impeccable reputation on the web, seems almost outdated. It’s worth mentioning that being a “startup entrepreneur” is no small feat; it’s a journey that requires courage and dedication, and simply creating a website isn’t enough to succeed in the web economy—especially when the Internet puts you in direct competition with a landscape that transcends national borders to embrace the entire globe in real-time, with no breaks granted. To launch innovative startups, the right contacts with investors, partners, and especially customers are necessary. Specific skills are required, and it’s essential to organize a team of experts to ensure a complete and high-performing user experience.

Will the market decide who is right? What’s certain is that innovative startups have a lot to catch up on in terms of discoverability… to generate innovation in step with the times, you must be online and visible!

(…if you’d like to know more, contact us at Luna! We are also an innovative startup, and on the front line on the topic: whether your focus is B2B or B2C, we can study the most suitable solution for your target audience, offering the development of cutting-edge web portals with support and maintenance services!)

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