Instagram bug; a child discovers it.

Leaving aside the fact that he shouldn’t and couldn’t have been there, he discovered a bug in the Instagram app; who are we talking about? A 10-year-old Finnish boy!

Jani, in front of his father’s astonished eyes, discovered a flaw that would have allowed him to delete comments not only from his own account but from others as well. “I could have deleted anyone’s comments, even Justin Bieber’s,” he proudly declared to the Finnish newspaper Iltalehti.

What did he do when he realized it? He immediately sent an email to Instagram highlighting the issue. After verifying the existence of the system bug, Instagram not only responded to young Jani but also rewarded him with $10,000, the prize the company offers to those who help make the app safer.

What else do we know about young Jani? He will certainly have a great career ahead of him. He has said that his dream is to work in cybersecurity, but for now, he plans to use the prize money to buy a bicycle.

Anyone who says that being a digital native doesn’t imply having greater digital skills will have to admit that this case is a big exception!

In fact, many companies reward researchers who find security flaws to ensure that these bugs don’t fall into the wrong hands. For example, Facebook’s “bug bounty” program has awarded 800 researchers since 2011, totaling $4.3 million, and Instagram has confirmed that Jani is the youngest user to win the prize.

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