Anyone who, like me, is passionate about TV series and movies will know what I’m talking about when I say: SPOILER! Now, many will hesitate to keep reading, fearing some dreaded spoiler about a film. But today, I’m talking about the fun web app the new Open Movie Spoiler Database that spreads terror.
For those who don’t know what we’re talking about, the term “spoiler” (from the English “to spoil”) is used in the cinematic world, and increasingly in everyday life, to indicate information that might reveal key plot points of a film, as well as a book, comic, TV series, or video game. This is particularly feared by those who are about to start a new story or who, after watching many episodes, are about to finish a season of their favorite TV series. How many, like me, find themselves at the dawn of a new episode or the release of a new film and try to avoid social media to prevent unpleasant spoilers?
From today, could be your revenge! The process is very simple: enter the title of a movie and press the red button. You will immediately be shown a live spoiler. Naturally, as you’ll see, the latest films released in theaters are among the most searched, but you can also find older classics. Let’s try it together: enter the title and click on the desired result.
At this point, wait for the page to load, and… Spoiler Alert!
As you can see, these spoilers are often funny and generally vague. The spoiler can be shared on social media or sent by email. If you’re particularly curious, you can click “One more!” to discover another. Additionally, through the command at the top right, anyone can add their own spoiler: it just needs to be under 100 characters and there’s no information about the review and selection process. For now, all that’s left is to try it and share the spoilers with friends who ruined the ending of a film for you! One thing’s for sure: you’ll get a laugh because some spoilers are truly little wicked jokes!