Live streaming is also on YouTube (in 360 degrees and with spatial audio!)

We had anticipated it in recent days and, as of today, we can confirm it: live streaming has also arrived on YouTube, but with a big difference from existing applications, namely 360-degree live broadcasts and spatial audio.

Rumors had been circulating for some time that Google was working on live streaming, then Neal Mohan, Chief Product Officer, announced, “today we take another step forward with immersive videos, with 360° live streaming and spatial audio.” For many, 360-degree video support is not new: launched in March 2015, many brands, musicians, and athletes had already had the opportunity to create new formats. Today, they discover new audience opportunities thanks to YouTube’s collaboration with VideoStitch and Two Big Ears, companies that develop compatible software.

The big news that YouTube brings us is, in fact, spatial audio: a new way of creating an immersive and engaging experience thanks to audio with nuances of depth, distance, and intensity. In short, an auditory experience designed on par with the visual experience we have the opportunity to live thanks to 360° support.

The news was released in conjunction with the Coachella Festival, which took advantage of this new format for an even more engaging live stream compared to previous years.

Additionally, YouTube specified that the resolution support for live videos will be 1440p and 60fps: 70% more pixels than the standard HD solution of 1080p. Better quality and greater effectiveness for an even more exciting experience.

For YouTubers, or video creators, a camera that supports this technology will suffice. For all users, the videos will be available on any device. Naturally, a “Live API” package will be made available, allowing any camera manufacturer to implement this new feature. Given the costly investments, YouTube also offers the opportunity to try these new technologies in YouTube Spaces in Los Angeles, NY, London, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, etc.

Still don’t believe it? Well, just click here and you’ll be immediately catapulted into the playlist created by YouTube itself! Distances are really shortening, and virtual reality is now in our homes.

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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