Lunagest: 360° business management.

Lunagest presents itself as an innovative and intuitive cloud-based business management system solution for SMEs and professionals. It is the result of extensive market research and long field experience.


#How was Lunagest conceived?

Luna has found that, to date, the percentage of software products capable of satisfying 360° cloud management of business processes, in total legality, is very low. In fact, when researching similar products from the most prestigious competitors, solutions are found that are dedicated either to sales force or accounting management, but nothing regarding the document management of the company and its clients. From the point of view of products compatible with Italian laws and needs, the percentage drops even further. Luna’s answer is Lunagest: a modular and scalable software that will allow SMEs and professionals to organize all business management processes in the cloud, without the need to print on paper.

#How was Lunagest designed?

After market research, the system mockup was initially produced, taking into account best practices and usability, to create software tailored to the needs of companies and professionals, also following Luna’s field experience. As a growing startup, Luna has been able to test what the needs of complete business management are, from contracts to customer demographic documents, to monitoring ongoing work, times, and costs.

Lunagest brought together the entire Luna team, from web experts to software programmers, to produce a complete system, the result of in-depth study, attention to detail, and the creativity of several people.

Once the mockup was approved and improved with further refinements, the programming team implemented the system, confronting user experience and continuing to find the best solutions. Additionally, a responsive layout for mobile was planned.

#What are the services of Lunagest?

The system offers various services to meet the needs of companies. A customer registry, contract and document management, calendar for appointments and events were planned. Additionally, Lunagest has been equipped with online invoicing, electronic signature, and reports and statistics. Every document is stored digitally in total security.

In the last month, Lunagest was also purchased by SOGESE, the first company in Italy in the field of sports facility management, operating in the field since 1976. A company that required a system capable of maximizing the organization and management of the various services offered. In particular, a custom client and course management system was designed for SOGESE.

Luna is ready to present Lunagest in Silicon Valley at TVLPx, a great opportunity for further expansion.

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

Luna is a global technology services and consulting company that helps businesses combine scalability with agility to gain a competitive advantage.

We would love to discuss your project.

Our experts and developers would love to contribute with their skills and insights for your potential projects.


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