Do you want to turn off the alarm? Take a selfie!

Selfies are now the most popular and widespread photos in the world, but usually, despite seeming to be taken without much thought, they are the result of trials, retouching, adjustments, and more trials.

But if you want the alarm to stop ringing, with this app, you will have to take one of the photos that might scare you the most: a selfie first thing in the morning.

The complexion is rather pale, dark circles are generally the highlight, hair is wilder than ever, and eyes are hardly fully open: cheese, smile!!

I think it has happened to everyone at least once to turn off the alarm unintentionally, waking up with a start, naturally, late; this is the solution to the problem proposed by Snap Me Up. If you don’t take a selfie and, therefore, are not awake enough to avoid falling back asleep, the alarm won’t stop ringing.


Will the photos then self-destruct? Certainly not! They will end up in a folder called “My Sleepy Shots,” which can then be deleted, edited, and, for the more daring, shared. If a selfie just after waking up isn’t enough for you, you can change the option and choose 3 shots or a video, which will turn off the alarm after 8 seconds of pure embarrassment.

But the features of this app don’t end there. The creator, a student of Energy Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan, has thought of everything; you can find the Dream Diary, to note down what you dreamed, and Help Me Sleep, a gallery of relaxing sounds for those who struggle to fall asleep.

At the moment, Snap Me Up is only available on Android, but the iOS version shouldn’t take long to arrive.


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