Passwords: here are the ones to avoid!

You might not know that creating highly complicated passwords doesn’t necessarily protect your data.

British security services claim that the only people who have trouble with complex passwords are the owners themselves, who waste time trying to remember and correctly type them every time they need to access their social, email, or banking accounts. Hackers, in fact, are not deterred by more unusual and “difficult” passwords.

Of course, there’s a huge difference between not creating encrypted passwords and using overly simple ones. SplashData published a list of the worst passwords for accessing accounts and devices created in 2015, as these were stolen repeatedly throughout the year. What are they? Here are the top 25. If yours is among these or looks very similar, hurry and change it!

123456, password, 12345678, qwerty, 12345, 123456789, football, 1234, 1234567, baseball, welcome, 1234567890, abc123, 111111, 1qaz2wsx, dragon, master, monkey, letmein, login, princess, qwertyuiop, solo, passw0rd, starwars.

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