Shelly app informs you about dangerous situations around you

SHELLY APP available for free on the Play Store and App Store

Shelly is a simple application. The technologies used are already known and used in 90% of social apps on the market, such as:

  • Geolocation
  • Messaging
  • Push Notifications

Despite this, the app has a very important and useful mission for the community: “Collaborate for everyone’s safety.”

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A feature that allows us to keep an eye on fixed locations: this will enable you, regardless of where you are, to monitor a specific geographic area and receive alerts about it.

Alert Icons:

There are badges with really cute graphics, in line with current styles, flat material design.

Positive Aspects:

  • Intuitive
  • Clear mission of the application
  • Pleasant graphics

Negative Aspects:

  • Requires registration
  • Annoying banner ads in the footer

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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