May the Force be with you. Google takes a stand

And you, fans eagerly awaiting the release of the seventh episode of Star Wars, which side are you on?

Starting today, you can personalize your Google services by choosing themes dedicated to the positions of the Force, the light side and the dark side. Among the applications linked to your account that you can personalize are the Gmail background, Google Maps avatar, Android Wear, Chrome, Chromecast, Google Calendar, Google Now, Google Search, Google Translate, Waze, and YouTube.

Dear fans, if you decide to take one side but then change your mind and switch to the other, or return to neutral, no problem; Google will not label you as traitors and will allow you to do so!

If you want to keep the chosen position, Google will reset the default settings on February 1, 2016.

To start, try typing the opening phrase of every episode of the saga “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” into the Google search bar…

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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