New features are coming to the Play Store

Google is enhancing the features related to the Play Store, especially useful for increasing app purchases.

With the version that, for now, it is not known when it will be released, Android devices will be able to:

  • Send invitations to friends and acquaintances in your contacts to download an app you are particularly satisfied with, so that through this word of mouth, they know what it is about and can directly download it from the Play Store.
  • Create family groups with the personal accounts of members, who will be able to enjoy various benefits in using all Google services. A family member can be the group administrator, within which music, movies, and books can be shared, as well as apps purchased on the Play Store, provided the head of the family grants approval for the transaction.
  • Gift applications and games to other users; just click on the link and enter the email address, name, and a message directed to the recipient.

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