Advanced Electronic Signature OTP: What It Is and How It Works

The OTP-based Advanced Electronic Signature represents the digital version of a handwritten signature. It serves the same functions as a traditional signature, offering the same legal guarantees for the signer.

Why Choose Advanced Electronic Signature?
The Advanced Electronic Signature offers a variety of advantages connected to digitalization:

  • Ease, Speed, and Enhanced Security
  • Single Copy Contract: The digital contract is issued in a single copy, reducing the need for multiple signatures.
  • Guaranteed and Tamper-Proof Signature
  • The digitization of contracts is an eco-friendly solution that guarantees significant savings in paper and energy consumption.
  • The contract is immediately recorded and stored in electronic archives.
  • The contract can easily be shared with other people.

Since its introduction in 2010, the Advanced Electronic Signature has evolved to become a vital tool for reducing paper use and simplifying procedures, especially in public administration and private sector practices. Over the years, it has been improved to increase its security and reduce risks.

OTP-Based Advanced Electronic Signature
One of the most widely used methods for electronic signatures is OTP (“One-Time Password”). This system sends a password generated in real-time to the customer, allowing them to sign electronic documents. It is considered one of the fastest and most secure methods because it ensures the true identity of the signer and can only be used for one signature at a time.

The customer can choose to receive the signed contract directly via email or, alternatively, in the traditional paper format.

Today, OTP-based Advanced Electronic Signatures are widely used by clients in the banking sector for online account management and for signing insurance contracts.

At Luna, we use Chlorophyll, our platform that fully complies with the regulations and legal guarantees surrounding electronic and biometric signatures, ensuring the utmost security for our clients!

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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