Alphabet: the most valuable company in the world

Alphabet is the most valuable company in the world. Many might find it surprising that, despite being the most profitable, it is not very well-known. For those less updated, you should know that Alphabet is simply the holding company where all of Google’s activities have recently been grouped.

Apple, which had dominated the ranking for several years, has been dethroned.

Despite Apple’s economic value being $539 billion, Alphabet’s value has reached $570 billion. Although by a small margin, Big G is now the most valuable company in the world, and this has not gone unnoticed in the stock markets, with the stock gaining over 8% on Wall Street.

What stands out the most when scrolling through the ranking of the top companies in the world is how the New Economy is overtaking companies linked to the Old Economy: the top four companies are, in fact, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook.

Contributing to these changes is the collapse in oil prices, which is causing significant difficulties for companies in the sector and rating cuts for many companies, such as Shell, by Standard & Poor’s.

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