How do we spend our time on Social Media?

Facebook reaches one and a half billion users, but despite this growth, shares are decreasing; only 34% update their status and 37% post and share photos, while just a year ago these percentages were 50 and 59%.

The question arises: what do we do all the time on Social Media?

GlobalWebIndex has compiled a ranking of the actions that Facebook and Twitter users perform most frequently.

# Facebook

What do Facebook users like the most? Naturally, the Like button! This is clicked by 64%, followed by watching videos, an activity that involves 50% of users.

Its role as a social network aimed at maintaining relationships is evident, as 48% of users exchange messages with friends and 47% comment on photos, videos, and posts.

46% read articles and 43% share a post related to what a friend has written on their profile, while, as we already know, posting statuses and personal images are activities that interest only one in three users.

A significant percentage, which Zuckerberg’s team aims to reduce, accesses Facebook only to browse the timeline and home; about 42% of users look at the latest news but do not take any action.

# Twitter

Confirming itself as the first platform chosen for real-time news, what Twitter enthusiasts do the most is read the news; 41% of users use it for updates.

The activities that, equally, are carried out by 35% of users are scrolling the Home and visiting the Trending Topics section, followed by sharing Tweets directed at friends (34%) and Retweeting content (33%).

Among the less performed actions, in contrast to Facebook, is Liking friends’ Tweets, which only 31% of users do. This function has increased by 6% since the star was replaced with a heart.

The lower part of the ranking of the most performed actions on Twitter is occupied by visiting the feed of VIPs and public figures, using hashtags, and viewing a link associated with content, performed by 28%, while, in last place with 26%, is sharing a personal Tweet, which is done by only one in four users.

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