The Whistleblowing deadline of December 17, 2023, represents a crucial milestone for Italian companies with […]
In 2020, penalties of about 307 million euros were levied in Europe due to the violation of personal data privacy and European GDPR regulations.
Here we are at the second part of this interesting study to take a closer […]
The year has come to an end, a year that will go down in history, […]
The recent study on global digital marketing data for 2021, published in partnership with Hootsuite […]
As we all know, cookies are the tool through which information entered into the browser […]
Manual operations often make certain tasks more complex, even though they could be much simpler […]
These are tough times, but not for everything and everyone. Over the past year, we’ve […]
Today, we often hear the term “Big Data,” and alongside it, the phrase “Machine Learning” […]
Advanced Electronic Signature (OTP) is widely used today by banking customers for managing online accounts as well as for signing insurance contracts. Why choose Advanced Electronic Signature?
The appointment with SMAU Milan 2019 returns, the main fair on technology and digital innovation in Italy, where Luna Partner will be among the exhibitors!
Il 2020 porterà grandi aggiornamenti per quanto riguarda le norme vigenti per la conservazione sostitutiva dei documenti digitali. Scopriamole assieme!
Scopriamo assieme di cosa trattano le piattaforme di Smart Contract e Blockchain e di come la loro combinazione potrà sostituire le forme contrattuali tradizionali!
Il 2020 sarà un anno pieno di novità per tutti i commercianti e per i loro clienti: entrerà, infatti, in vigore la nuova legge per scontrini elettronici!
Scopriamo assieme come la manutenzione predittiva è in grado di migliorare i processi e, soprattutto, minimizzare l’impatto di errori, rallentamenti o addirittura blocchi!
Cosa si intende per Firma Grafometrica? Come funziona? Chlorophyll è il software ideale per la dematerializzazione documentale!
Luna Partner will be among the exhibitors at SMAU Padova 2019, the most important event in the field of technological and digital innovation for businesses and public administrations.
The year that has just begun promises to be full of new developments, especially regarding social networks and instant messaging. Discover the most important ones!
Ottenere un maggior numero di conversioni sui social media diventa più semplice con l’utilizzo della customizzazione.
Scoprine di più con questo LunaPost!
La notizia della morte di Stephen Hawking è stata accolta dalla comunità internazionale – e in particolar modo dal mondo del web – con particolare forza e profonde dimostrazioni d’affetto.
What are the fundamental criteria to follow to optimize your social network activities? Find out with us!
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the new privacy regulation introduced by the EU, which imposes precise rules on companies: learn more with us!
Fra B2B, sistemi di pagamento, localizzazione e social network, cosa non può mancare a un eCommerce nel 2018?
Ecco qualche consiglio per chi lavora in questo campo!
Un utilizzo avanzato degli analytics può migliorare il customer engagement – e non solo. Lo rivela l’annuale ricerca annuale del MIT Sloan Management Review: scoprine di più con noi!
Il prossimo aggiornamento Facebook prevede che il news feed mostrerà meno post provenienti da Pagine per dare maggior spazio ai contenuti dei Profili. Scoprine di più con noi!
Per la tecnologia delle PMI ecco il voucher digitalizzazione 2018 del MISE: fino a 10000€ a fondo perduto a favore dell’innovazione digitale! Scopri di più!
The success of your online business depends on SEM: discover how to promote your website on search engines!
Non solo per vendere online: anche senza una piattaforma e-commerce, costruire un customer journey che parta dai social media è possibile. Scoprine di più!
Discover with us how SEO holds the key to the success of a website… which could be yours!
Tre miliardi di persone si connettono ogni mese a social network come Facebook, Twitter ed Instagram – e alle loro alternative locali disseminate per la rete! Quali i prossimi traguardi?
Un’arma a doppio taglio: i risultati di una ricerca accademica dimostrano che le “faccine” non comunicano solo quanto si vorrebbe…
L’apparente rimozione degli URL nella ricerca da parte di Google cosa sta cambiando in ambito SEO? Scoprilo con noi!
Perché passare al protocollo HTTPS? Se il tuo sito web appare come “non sicuro” sul browser, potresti perdere visitatori… scopri di più su come i certificati di sicurezza influiscano su SEO e posizionamento!
Facebook ha raggiunto il traguardo di 2 miliardi di utenti attivi al mese, di cui più di 30 milioni solo in Italia. Quali sono le previsioni per i prossimi 5 anni? Scopritelo con noi!
Martedì 21 febbraio Luna Partner ha tenuto il workshop Artigiani e web organizzato da Confartigianato Imprese di Bologna e Imola in collaborazione col Gruppo Donne Impresa
Here are some tips to avoid being caught unprepared for digital change – and how to take advantage of it!
After a testing phase in Ireland and an initial rollout in the United States, the Facebook Stories feature has also arrived in Italy.
Un content marketing adeguato è indispensabile! La customer retention è il tuo obiettivo? Ecco le linee guida da seguire!
Ecco alcuni highlights dei marketing moments che hanno segnato l’anno passato – per prendere appunti per il 2017!
Social media marketing has revolutionized the very concept of business, providing new technological tools for […]
Ideas for good digital marketing under the tree? The first Christmas-themed banners are already appearing […]
Improving your search engine ranking means ensuring visibility over your competition: if you want a […]
Why worry about social media marketing during the holidays? Because convincing a consumer to choose […]
The holidays are just around the corner, and being unprepared when it comes to social […]
Virtual Reality: Has the Future Arrived? And More Importantly: What Applications Can It Reach in […]
Many of you may already be familiar with it, while others may be hearing about […]
After Google+ and Hangouts, the tech giant Google returns to the market with the launch […]
Latest Apple news? Like the most famous rock stars, Apple Stores around the world have […]
Many innovative startups base their functionality on advanced technological platforms, but a study published by […]
Proximity marketing: a new generation of content and services set to radically change every aspect […]
There are different ways to close for the summer: summer business is the secret to […]
30,000 respondents across more than 60 countries: the infographic published by Nielsen on the social […]
During the past few weeks, the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (the 31st Olympiad) took place, […]
Hackers capable of bypassing Apple device protections can start getting to work: the Cupertino company […]
July 15, 2016, was eagerly awaited by many as the official release date of Pokémon […]
We never would have imagined it, or perhaps we did, because in a world that’s […]
To encourage citizens to pollute less, the most commonly used policy is generally to apply […]
Directly from Facebook‘s Newsroom, we hear about some changes: the composition of the news feed […]
The title may sound almost science fiction, we know, but it’s all real: Tap Strap […]
When the web helps us understand society. Once again, Google Trends statistics make an impact: […]
We know well that Apple continues to improve its products with continuous updates, some of […]
We are surrounded by the proliferation of various social networks, emerging almost every day, some […]
We already knew it, and now you do too! If you’ve never heard of it, […]
When I read this news, I was a bit surprised: I thought TomTom no longer […]
You may not know that the most viewed video in the world on YouTube is […]
Thank God! Google Translate is finally integrated in WhatsApp! Don’t know what this phrase means? […]
If we buy 500g of pasta, we expect to find 500g of pasta inside the […]
Leaving aside the fact that he shouldn’t and couldn’t have been there, he discovered a […]
It starts at a young age, with a dream, and through study, sacrifices, and daily […]
Energetic, innovative, intimate, sweet, exciting, funny. The list that describes the beautiful interpretations of Jack […]
Nowadays, we live in a world of robots. If a few years ago we could […]
Anyone who, like me, is passionate about TV series and movies will know what I’m […]
Why are the contents Facebook suggests increasingly tailored to us? The content that Facebook shows […]
We had anticipated it in recent days and, as of today, we can confirm it: […]
On April 30, 1986, Stefano Trumpy, Luciano Lenzini, and Antonio Blasco Bonito connected to the […]
For the series “oddities from around the world,” the proposed law in India that requires […]
Often words take on different meanings depending on the context and, when written in a […]
For all those who have now switched to an electronic calendar, a feature you’ll love […]
If you remember an old article, we had found that most of us are now […]
You may remember that, a few months ago, some companies estimated that in 2016 Apple […]
It is known that hacking is an increasingly widespread practice; security systems are becoming more […]
Lunagest presents itself as an innovative and intuitive cloud-based business management system solution for SMEs […]
Twitter started it, then Facebook joined in, and now there are rumors from Google: the […]
Recently, the Snapchat update has made it much more familiar to its loyal users. Already […]
We’ve studied it a bit for you, and today we’re ready to talk about this […]
He has Anglo-Italian origins and is a blend of passion and simplicity; we’re talking about […]
The debate involving Apple and the FBI has reignited the issue of privacy, prompting not […]
Time and technology have helped improve even the simplest tools that are part of our […]
Can we define ourselves as a people of nostalgia or as people who live in […]
The web wouldn’t be the same without Zuckerberg, and the reason is evident every day. […]
The day after: here are the innovations that emerged from yesterday’s Apple Keynote.
Every day we are amazed by the leaps in technology. Among the latest news is […]
A few days ago, Zuckerberg himself, in Iron Man mode, announced the acquisition of the […]
Imagine you are sleeping and have set your alarm for a specific time, but your […]
The world of fitness is becoming increasingly trendy thanks to the development of various apps […]
The next Apple event, after some initial uncertainty, has finally been set: the day when […]
Google has released the developer preview of the upcoming update, Android N. As we know, […]
More and more features are being integrated with Messenger, and today it’s Spotify‘s turn!
You have no idea how long it took me to find memes about DiCaprio to […]
It was just over 10 years old, so it wasn’t really old. But Google decided […]
Don’t try this at home! Some have called it the iPhone’s Millennium Bug, a programming […]
On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2016, held two days ago to raise awareness […]
Pinterest, among all social media, is undoubtedly the one capable of keeping users glued to […]
There are just over 7 billion people in the world, which means that almost one […]
Revived multiple times, then partially resurrected, and now hopefully back for good. Who are we […]
Selfies are now the most popular and widespread photos in the world, but usually, despite […]
Alphabet is the most valuable company in the world. Many might find it surprising that, […]
There are areas on the globe that, if searched for on Google Earth, appear blacked […]
Bill is smart. Be like Bill. Created by a nineteen-year-old in their first year of […]
Users are tired of being bombarded with advertisements, how do we know this? Because, if […]
For the Mountain View giant, it might be a small amount, but according to an […]
Hello Moto! Motorola, already owned by Lenovo since 2014, may no longer be seen on […]
You might not know that creating highly complicated passwords doesn’t necessarily protect your data.
The next version of Google Maps, among other things, will predict where you are going.
The battle between communication platforms continues; this time, Skype has made the move.
When Zuckerberg acquired WhatsApp, he made a promise: he would never introduce ads on the […]
L’App più popolare di iOS, naturalmente solo dopo Facebook, è Messenger. Gli utenti attivi ogni […]
Quante volte abbiamo mandato accidenti alle nostre compagnie telefoniche perché le pagine web non si […]
Per raggiungere i giovani ormai si sa, il canale più indicato sono i Social Media. […]
Facebook è sempre più una fonte di notizie e informazioni; per aumentare gli utenti che […]
Nonostante abbia meno di un terzo degli utenti attivi di Facebook, secondo una ricerca diffusa […]
Arrivati agli sgoccioli di questo 2015, dopo aver tratto le conclusioni sulle parole più cercate […]
L’anno è giunto al termine, alcuni Social hanno trovato un modo per regalarvi un momento […]
Il mondo delle App di messaggistica è dominato da WhatsApp, ma a spartirsi la fetta […]
Soprattutto sotto le feste, le condivisioni di auguri, i like alle foto in famiglia e […]
Le grafiche sono importanti. Come spesso abbiamo ripetuto, ciò che maggiormente colpisce in un messaggio […]
Il problema dei parcheggi è un problema reale e diffuso, per questo è nato PosteggiaTI, […]
Se vi dico chiamate, messaggi, foto, audio e restare in contatto, qual è l’App che […]
That the internet and, more precisely, social media, know everything about us was already known; […]
“Sad day for Brazil”, commented Zuckerberg on the 48-hour suspension of WhatsApp service ordered by […]
Finally, the long-awaited seventh chapter of the Star Wars saga has been released in Italian […]
2015 is coming to an end, and it’s time to take stock of the trends […]
Once, there was the Advent calendar with chocolates; every day, until Christmas, you would open […]
SHELLY APP available for free on the Play Store and App Store Shelly is a […]
Facebook is a great channel to convey your company’s story and expertise and to increase […]
Facebook is a social network that allows you to connect, communicate, share, and have fun, […]
Although it is already widespread, especially for mail apps, this practice is not yet available […]
Creating a blog to shape your business, increase your visibility, and boost your brand awareness […]
In 2015, having a presence on social media is essential, which is why it’s important […]
Instagram, Pinterest, Emojis: images are becoming increasingly important in the world of the Internet.
And you, fans eagerly awaiting the release of the seventh episode of Star Wars, which […]
Google is enhancing the features related to the Play Store, especially useful for increasing app […]
Writing a well-crafted text suitable for a blog publication is not particularly difficult, but when […]
To find a job, but especially to promote your profession and expand your business network, […]
As we already know, in an advertisement, what most catches a potential consumer’s attention are […]
Strolling through city streets, a customer decides to enter an unfamiliar store when its window […]
To promote advertising strategies on social media, Instagram is the perfect platform, even surpassing Facebook […]
Think differently. Speak up. These were the themes on which Tim Cook based his speech […]
Never get lost again; from today, you can have accurate directions even offline. One of […]
Facebook reaches one and a half billion users, but despite this growth, shares are decreasing; […]
After 8 comes 10. We are certainly not talking about mathematics, but rather the name […]
Internet and Social Media are becoming increasingly important in people’s lives, how do we know? […]
“Hey Siri, give us a hint” Siri’s hints about this Keynote were preparing us for […]
BMW could challenge Google’s choice to use the name “Alphabet” for its new holding company, […]
More news from the world of Facebook! The tireless team led by Mark Zuckerberg is […]
Are you passionate about computer science or real app inventors? Then you will be interested […]
Smartphones have become indispensable “accessories” that go beyond mere communication tools. They can turn moments […]
In the world of mobile services and devices, a highly competitive sector, to survive and […]
After Lollipop comes Marshmallow! What are we talking about? The new operating system for smartphones […]
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