Boosting Online Sales During the Coronavirus Pandemic

These are tough times, but not for everything and everyone. Over the past year, we’ve faced a challenging situation due to the global health emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19, which was later declared a pandemic. Various restrictions were put in place to try to contain the spread of the virus, leading to complete and extended lockdowns in many countries. However, one sector saw a truly significant increase: online sales.

New Rules and Habits

In Italy, for example, the DPCM of March 11, 2020, which led to the closure of all commercial activities except those dealing with essential goods, forced citizens to stay home in quarantine, thus limiting in-person contact and traditional in-store shopping. The result? The computer became the only channel for purchasing products.

It’s no surprise that research firms reported an 81% increase in online purchases during this period. This growth was mainly concentrated in essential goods, insurance, and healthcare products.

During the reference period, 31% of users in Italy said they bought products online that they would typically have bought in-store.

The Current Situation Promises Growth

Since e-commerce quickly became one of the preferred channels for product purchases, small businesses that had tried to profit from the pandemic by increasing prices (especially for hygiene products and face masks) now find themselves facing the massive growth of Large-Scale Retailers (GDO). Starting from August 2020, the GDO saw a renewed acceleration in its growth trend, after several signs of slowdown, moving from a +196% in April 2020 to a +94% in July 2020.

From Fear to Distrust

To date, despite the pressing risk perception of contamination, there remains a sense of social distrust, and the obligation to wear face masks indoors continues, with outdoor mask-wearing required only when social distancing is not possible. This situation stems from the need to avoid close contact and gatherings.

Although these circumstances have negatively impacted the economy, the increase in online sales has ensured a strong circulation of cash flow. The rise of online shopping owes much of its growth to home delivery services, crucial for people at higher risk.

Future Prospects

E-commerce is rapidly expanding in this new digital era. This trend is also reflected in the use of social media as sales platforms. The reason is simple: it’s a practical, safe, and efficient way to buy products while respecting the restrictions needed to fight the pandemic and return to normality. Experts predict that the rise of online shopping will continue even after the pandemic ends. After all, what’s more convenient and quicker than shopping online?

If it’s time for you to explore new business opportunities by opening an eCommerce platform and expanding your sales channels online, contact us! We’ll help you find the perfect solution for your business needs!

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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