Pronto GDPR

The solution designed for businesses, professionals, and PA

With the collaboration of companies specialized in this sector, it enables compliance with regulatory requirements by using:

  • Software specifically developed for uploading and producing the documents required by the regulations.
  • A support center available for remote assistance in using the system.
  • The use of electronic signatures via OTP and encryption for signing assignment letters.
  • Connection to compliant document retention for all produced documents.

The offered solution also includes:

  • Taking on the role of DPO (as an external role – optional).
  • An online training course for all employees and collaborators.
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    Luna is a global technology services and consulting company that helps businesses combine scalability with agility to gain a competitive advantage.

    We would love to discuss your project.

    Our experts and developers would love to contribute with their skills and insights for your potential projects.


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