How to Improve Customization in Social Media Marketing

Achieving more conversions on social media becomes easier with the use of customization.
Learn more with this LunaPost!

In a virtual world now saturated with countless alternatives, finding exactly what you’re looking for makes everything significantly easier. This is where the power of customization in marketing comes into play: showing potential customers exactly what they are searching for, through marketing content specifically created for their profile.

As we’ve already highlighted in this LunaPost, it is 6-7 times more expensive to attract new customers than to retain an existing one: it’s much easier to retain a satisfied customer than to find new ones. In this context, the use of personalization in Social Media Marketing strategy plays a crucial role!

Customization and SMM: Which Tools to Use

– Personalized Assistance

It’s increasingly common to receive personalized messages through messaging apps or on websites. The secret? Chatbots, which are like “automated responders” capable of offering a high level of personalization. They can be very useful for services like booking, customer care, or guiding users in making choices. By simulating a human conversation, they support the user step by step in finding the information they need.

Chatbots provide a faster and more efficient customer experience—and, most importantly, a highly customized one. They will become an increasingly important resource for businesses, enabling them to connect with customers (both real and potential) and create real, effective engagement.

– Retargeting

Knowing how to leverage Facebook Ads allows you to profile your target audience more accurately—and even create customized ones.

The goal: to reach real users who are genuinely interested in your business!

Creating an audience can be done based on who has interacted with specific pages on your website. For example, clicks on certain products in your catalog or the lack of conversions from users who didn’t complete a purchase can provide valuable analytics for this purpose!

The highest level of customization? Dynamic Ads – available in Facebook Ads Manager

By uploading your product catalog through an .xls file and properly configuring the Facebook Pixel, you will be able to track key events of interest. For example, a user who abandons a purchase of a particular item could be shown a targeted ad with personalized copy and an engaging creative featuring the exact item they left behind, serving as a reminder.

Facebook has already proven that creating personalized videos based on the user’s experience on the platform is a winning strategy. This is an example of customization that could also be applied to brands, combining creative potential with an enhanced customer experience!

Creating effective marketing strategies and customization tailored to the market requires constant updates. To discover all the latest news on the subject, keep following us on Lunapost!

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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