Digitalization Voucher 2018: Access Innovation!

For SME technology, here is the 2018 Digitalization Voucher from MISE: up to €10,000 in non-repayable funds for digital innovation! Learn more!

According to the MISE website (the Ministry of Economic Development), the voucher for the digitalization of SMEs is “a financial aid measure for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, providing a contribution, through the granting of a ‘voucher,’ of an amount not exceeding €10,000, aimed at the adoption of digitalization interventions for business processes and technological modernization.” It is an implementation of the Interministerial Decree of 23/09/2014.

The 2018 Digitalization Voucher can be used for the purchase of software, hardware, and/or specialized services that enable:

  • improve the efficiency of the company;
  • modernize the organization of work through technological tools and forms of work flexibility – such as telecommuting;
  •  Develop e-commerce solutions;
  • utilize broadband and ultra-broadband connectivity or connect to the internet via satellite technology;
  • provide qualified training to staff in the ICT field.

Each company can benefit from a single voucher of an amount not exceeding €10,000, covering up to 50% of the total eligible expenses.

Applications can be submitted by companies starting from 10:00 AM on January 30, 2018, and until 5:00 PM on February 9, 2018, through a specific online procedure and application form. Access requires possession of the National Services Card and an active certified email (PEC) address, as well as registration in the Business Register.

Within 30 days from the closing of the application window, MISE will issue a cumulative decision on the reservation of the 2018 digitalization voucher on a regional basis, indicating the companies and the amount of the reserved grant.

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