Here are the channels with the most engagement in Social Media Marketing!

A study by Adglow reveals the choices of digital marketing professionals to maximize engagement. What are the key criteria to follow to optimize your social media activities? Discover it with us!

The survey, conducted in the United Kingdom, involved 200 marketers to understand their approach to different social networks within their marketing mix. This means identifying which platforms are most used—and provide the best results—and outlining the steps for building an effective social advertising campaign.

Social networks are increasingly pervasive in everyday life, reaching users through the right experiences and expertise.

In the survey, the respondents were divided into two groups. The first group consists of those who manage their own planning, while the second group relies on outsourcing. The most interesting result comes from this division: the research showed that businesses that manage their content and investments by relying on specialized social advertising companies achieve significantly better results than those who handle them in-house.

Companies that handle planning on their own face more difficulties in achieving their goals; those who outsource social advertising, on the other hand, achieve better results in terms of conversions and engagement. This, of course, is also influenced by the financial factor and the investment in online advertising campaigns.

The survey also highlights the different ways social platforms are used in marketing.
As expected, Facebook—the quintessential social network—remains the most widely used, both for staying in touch with friends and for gathering information. Instagram, which is more focused on visual content, is particularly popular in the fashion and luxury sectors.
Twitter and Snapchat are highly favored by younger audiences, allowing marketers to target specific demographics effectively.

The format that creates the most engagement in social media marketing? Video!

Videos are essential for effectively telling a brand’s story or simply delivering a message, announcing a new product, intent, or idea. However, to ensure that the content truly works, it requires thoughtful planning and high-quality execution. The video must immediately grab the user’s attention, with the key element highlighted clearly and prominently.

In this field, Facebook is the social network that has developed the best solutions, allowing the creation of animated content from individual images.

What will this year’s social media trends be to foster communication and engagement? Stay updated by continuing to follow Lunapost!

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