GDPR Sanctions

During the year 2020, Europe recorded fines totaling approximately €307 million due to violations related to privacy and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) regulations.

Most of these sanctions stemmed from specific failures. The consumer’s consent to data processing was often missing. In addition, many companies showed little transparency in their policies or had inadequate security measures. These factors have contributed to the increase in data breaches.

A report by the Federprivacy Observatory revealed a significant impact on the telecommunications and e-commerce sector. These sectors, which are strongly linked to data management, have shown increased vulnerability to GDPR breaches. The heaviest penalty last year hit Google with a €100 million fine imposed by the French Data Protection Authority. The latter was notable for the large number of sanctions applied in the European context.

Even outside Europe, GDPR regulations have raised penalties for data protection violations. A notable example is the U.S. bank Capital One, sanctioned for $80 million. Facebook also received penalties, in Canada and Turkey, with significant fines.

To guide your company toward GDPR compliance, Luna has created a tailored program called “GDPR Ready.” This program aims to navigate through the complexities of GDPR, offering customized solutions to reduce the risks of violations and penalties. For more details, contact our team or visit Learn how Pronto GDPR can assist your company in ensuring secure and compliant data management.

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