Google Maps; three major updates

The next version of Google Maps, among other things, will predict where you are going.

An update is available for the application, which includes three major new features:

# Introduction of a driving mode; similar to Google Now, which anticipates travel times to home or work, by activating this mode, Google will try to guess the user’s next destination. Without being explicitly asked, it will provide directions and traffic information.

# The essential button to mute voice guidance, this button has returned. Previously located on the main navigation screen, it had disappeared, relegating the option to the internal menu, where it was inconvenient and not so immediate to find.

# Enhanced navigation history; the record of past movements will be much more complete and easily accessible. From the menu in the side panel, you can access a calendar, choose the date of interest, and see a complete timeline map that places the day’s movements on the map.

Privacy is not at risk; the feature can be disabled in the settings, and information for specific periods can be deleted at any time.


The next version of the mapping and navigation software will be available with the new update, which the Mountain View giant is gradually rolling out to Android mobile devices. Within a few days, it will be automatically installed on all compatible smartphones.

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