Google Maps will also work offline!

Never get lost again; from today, you can have accurate directions even offline.

One of the most useful apps, Google Maps, now opens its doors to those without an internet connection, those who have exhausted their data plan, or those who do not want to incur roaming charges while abroad.

From today, to find the desired venue, the nearest store, or simply to reach an address, you will no longer need an internet connection; you just need to have the Google Maps app on your smartphone or tablet and have downloaded the maps for the city of interest.

How can you have maps available offline?

Simply enter the name of the desired city in the search bar and, while connected to the internet, select the Download option in the summary card of the result. From this moment on, for this geographical area, the connection will no longer be necessary.

The update, announced in May, is now ready; Google is releasing it through the Play Store, and it will progressively reach all the latest generation Android smartphones. For iOS users, however, the wait continues, as a release date has not yet been announced.

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