You can also send Spotify songs on Messenger!

More and more features are being integrated with Messenger, and today it’s Spotify‘s turn!

The promise (or threat?) of becoming so indispensable as to retire Skype, Telegram, and the obsolete but vital SMS in the absence of the internet is becoming more and more of a reality.

Music is very important in everyone’s life. With a song, you can express thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Through an artist, you share tastes and pieces of yourself. For this reason, it is right that you can send them at any time, just like words and thoughts.

How to find the new feature?

Just go to the message composition window, next to the “microphone” icon, where there is one composed of three dots. From there, you can open the integrated applications. Spotify appears among the first, and once selected, you can search for something to share: songs, albums, artists, playlists.


Once you find the song or artist of interest, clicking on it will automatically return you to the Messenger conversation, where you can decide whether to send the selected item to the recipient. The recipient, by clicking on the image of the received item, will be redirected to the Spotify app.

messenger e spotify

Whether you have iOS or Android, this feature integration is available for everyone.

But as you scroll through the list, you’ll discover that there are many functions you can install. Some are designed for GIFs, some for information, games, memes, photos, and selfies. For the Spotify feature, the Messenger team has even created a playlist. Go check it out!

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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