LinkedIn: a PROFESSIONAL space!

We are surrounded by the proliferation of various social networks, emerging almost every day, some more famous and effective than others. And so, the natural question arises: where should we be present? Assuming that we don’t need to be present everywhere, it is clear that in today’s professional world, one’s e-reputation matters more and more.

Yes, because it has become a common practice to check the online presence of potential hires, collaborators, or employees.

LinkedIn, which was recently acquired by Microsoft for 26.2 billion dollars, is establishing itself as the go-to social platform for the professional world. Its goal is to create a professional network to develop connections that can open up new job and networking opportunities. Being present with your personal profile, and perhaps with your company’s page, on this platform can be really valuable for professional recognition and expanding your network. Let’s take a closer look at how to develop a professional profile suitable for this space.


#A discreet profile photo

Avoid selfies, or rather, avoid setting a profile picture where you’re blowing a kiss or making a funny face. This advice applies to other social networks as well, but if you really want to share fun selfies, don’t make them your profile picture. On LinkedIn, never! The reason for this advice is that it could make you seem unprofessional. Of course, no one should judge you based solely on your photo, but in the professional world, the first impression counts a lot. Also, avoid photos with others, blurry images, or ones where you’re holding a drink.

#Make sure to let people know what you do.

An user who decides to view your profile will first read your contact information. Write about what you know and what you’ve done. Don’t mention that you are looking for a job or waiting for an opportunity; focus on what you can offer and what you are good at! Companies searching for the right profile on LinkedIn aren’t just looking for people who are unemployed—they’re looking for people who do what they need. Highlight your skills and past experiences, always truthfully and honestly. In the world of social media, it’s easy to expose lies, and nothing is ever forgotten. If you’d like, you can observe successful profiles and take inspiration for the information to share.

#Try to get endorsements for your skills and recommendations.

This doesn’t mean seeking out people to confirm your profile. Everything should be spontaneous and truthful. Instead, try to be the first to endorse someone you’ve worked with or collaborated with. It’s very likely that you’ll receive a positive recommendation in return.

#Post professional content.

We recommend that you don’t post or share everything that simply interests you. Remember, LinkedIn is a platform for work, so post content and articles related to your field or company. This will give the impression that you are credible individuals who are genuinely interested in your industry.

So what’s next? Start creating a LinkedIn profile if you haven’t already; you’ll discover a world full of new job opportunities. If you already have a profile, make sure you’ve followed these simple rules, and who knows, someone might be looking for you around the corner!

Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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