It starts at a young age, with a dream, and through study, sacrifices, and daily commitment, one strives to build their own idea. This is the reality of the ten young entrepreneurs from Emilia-Romagna who are now in the USA, specifically in Menlo Park in Silicon Valley, thanks to the Emilia-Romagna Region and Aster.
An immersive experience of meetings, lessons, workshops, and new experiences during the TVLPx – Technology Venture Launch Program. Today, these young entrepreneurs have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, and among them is Andrea Crispino, our founder and CEO of LunaPartner.
We brought Lunagest to the United States: our innovative and intuitive software for managing business resources and creating contracts, invoices, and workflows. Thanks to this system, it is possible to invoice online and take advantage of all the benefits of electronic signatures, all without the need to print on paper, as everything is entirely cloud-based.
Each participant won the competition with truly original, brilliant, and above all innovative projects. Here, we present a showcase of the various projects and their creators, who experienced this adventure together with Luna.
Giacomo Barigazzi from Modena developed an innovative technology in the field of artificial intelligence with the University of Modena. It is called “Deep Learning” and, based on neural networks, it is especially suited for managing big data and predictive systems in the economic field.
Massimo Caroli from Bologna brought his “myAppFree”: a multi-platform that connects users with app and game producers, allowing everyone to download free apps that would normally be paid.
Dario Giunchi from Forlì-Cesena is a doctor specializing in sports medicine and traumatology, founder of “Armored”. He started the TVLPx thanks to his carbon fiber cast shin guards for professional soccer players.
Yuri Grassi from Modena is the founder and CEO of “Evensi”: a search engine dedicated to events taking place worldwide, which allows for the planning of marketing campaigns. Together with Emanuele Corradini, he developed the algorithm for event extraction and processing. He has recently signed important partnerships with Uber and BlaBlaCar.
Marco Rosetti from Forlì-Cesena created “Teach@t”: an app that allows students to contact a tutor 24/7 via chat to solve their doubts.
Riccardo Russo from Bologna presented his platform “IHaveAnIdea.Rocks”, which allows entrepreneurs to share their idea and receive feasibility and attractiveness feedback, so they can implement it.
Lorenzo Salmi from Bologna brought to Silicon Valley the web platform that connects chefs, cooking enthusiasts, and students to exchange information and share job opportunities. It’s called “Badeggs” and allows end consumers to enjoy personalized events, leaving comments and opinions.
Luca Spaggiari from Reggio Emilia is the creator of the electric motor for bikes and tricycles that can be driven without a license. It’s called “Bikee Bike”, can be installed on any bike frame, and can interface with any fleet management and bike-sharing software.
Finally, Roberto Toscani from Piacenza founded “Binary System”: web and mobile software for European railway companies. Today, it covers 90% of the public market and 25% of the private market, with a turnover of 1 million euros.
“These days in Silicon Valley have been a unique, indescribable experience, a great growth opportunity for me and my company Luna” writes Andrea in his diary, which you can read in full here. Of course, the days are really intense in California: waking up at 6:30 am for a daily schedule packed with meetings, which ends around 10:30 pm, and then working on their business idea until 2:30 am.
“Tiring, but exhilarating and irreplaceable!” adds Andrea, with a promise: “This is just the beginning of a journey that will take Luna even further, our reality, which, thanks to my team and our fantastic customers and partners, we build with enthusiasm and passion every day.”.
The second edition of TVLPx has now come to an end, but for the creators of the ten projects, it is only the beginning. On the Aster website in the USA, you can read about their experiences.