More news from the world of Facebook!
The tireless team led by Mark Zuckerberg is working on a new app that will likely become part of the “Facebook for Business” package; what does it consist of?
Rumors from internal research group sources suggest that this app, specific for news dissemination, will be very similar to Twitter and will allow newspapers to send breaking news to the entire public.
There are still few confirmed details, but after the initial rumors, the first hypotheses on how it will presumably work have developed:
#1. Users will be able to download the new app directly from Facebook.
#2. They will be able to choose the newspapers to follow, among those with which Zuckerberg will make agreements, then selecting the categories and topics of interest about which they want to receive all the information.
#3. Each newspaper will then be able to share the news it deems most relevant, automatically sending a notification to smartphones, which will appear to all users following that particular topic, in real-time, just like a tweet.
#4. On the pop-up notification, which will not exceed a maximum limit of 100 characters, it will then be possible, through a URL linking to the full article contained in the message, to delve deeper into the news.
#5. The news notification will disappear once the user has clicked on the link to the site.
For now, the information at our disposal ends here, but we await more details and, hopefully as soon as possible, an official statement from the Facebook team.