Picasa will no longer be updated

It was just over 10 years old, so it wasn’t really old. But Google decided to retire it and replace it with something younger and more promising. We’re talking about Picasa, the photo organization and editing service, which will be withdrawn from the market over the next few months.

After March 15th, Picasa can still be used by those who already have it, but it will no longer be updated, as Google has decided to channel all resources and efforts into Photos, which has always offered similar services with a simpler and more modern system for saving and organizing photos, even on smartphones and in the cloud. To increase investments in Google Photos, the company had already announced the early closure of Google Plus Photos.

However, you can rest assured that to encourage the transition to Photos and abandon what will soon become an obsolete service, Google has taken care of transferring all your images. As soon as you open Photos, you will find the albums saved on Picasa already uploaded. For those who are attached to the old service and do not want to use the new one, nor its tagging functions, shared albums, or captions and comments, a dedicated space will be available to access your data.

Knowing that it will no longer be developed and updated, you still have time to download the web version of Picasa until March 15th!

“We believe we can create a better experience by focusing on a service that offers more functionality and works on both mobile and desktop, rather than dividing our efforts across two different products,” with this message, Google justifies and bids farewell to Picasa.

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