Call for experimental research and development projects

Call for experimental research and development projects

TITLE: “Development of an Innovative SW for Predictive Maintenance of Industrial Assets Structured on an Engine Based on New Proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithms and Interfaced by a Series of Web Applications (IOT) Able to Communicate with Sensors Operating as Data Collectors Processed and Made Reliable through the Development of a Private Blockchain”

Project realized thanks to the European Funds of the Emilia Romagna Region


SUMMARY: The project is divided into 7 WPs (RI and SS) that covered: A) Study and development of Artificial Intelligence algorithms at the basis of the engine’s functionalities. The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms with in-depth research on various machine learning techniques such as recurrent neural networks, decision trees, support vector machines, linear and logistic regression, and clustering; B) Application development of an IOT web system involving the study and application choice of the right frameworks and programming languages, taking into account the operational needs and characteristics of the IOT devices; C) Study and Development of a Private Blockchain. The project was carried out with the support of consultancy from a structure (MAVIGEX SRL) belonging to the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network.

OBJECTIVES: The objective of the project was to develop and implement a new predictive maintenance (PM) software consisting of a “generalized” system easily adaptable to be integrated into production lines and/or industrial processes of different types and able to allow customers (industrial companies) to manage the maintenance of complex machinery and equipment innovatively in the perspective of Industry 4.0 and industrial application of the Internet of Things (IoT), to simplify and reduce the costs of the maintenance activities themselves.

RESULTS: The final result of the project was the prototype of the new PM software tested and validated on sensor equipment implemented on an industrial cleaning machine that was structured on an Engine based on proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and interfaced by a series of Web Applications (IOT) able to communicate, through appropriate protocols, with data collection sensors processed and made reliable through the development of a private blockchain.

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