Concerto Music – Advertising

Concerto Music – Advertising

Concerto Music is an agency that has been operating in the artistic and musical sector since the late 1970s. It primarily deals with promotion, management, and booking for music tours and events. The agency is also an independent label that has produced many of the best-selling albums of artists such as Francesco Guccini, Paolo Conte, Vinicio Capossela, and Claudio Lolli. Today, Concerto Music organizes and manages national and international tours for many artists, including Umberto Tozzi, Paolo Conte, and Jack Savoretti.

Actions taken:

  • Website creation
  • Logo and coordinated communication redesign for the label
  • Development, planning, and sponsorship of social content to promote the tours of the artists represented
  • Creation of social advertising campaigns to increase engagement and the audience of the brand’s pages



Client Concerto Music
Service Online Advertising
Sector Music
Objectives Increase online visibility and develop promotional communications for the label’s artists’ tours
Channels Facebook and Instagram

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