UNIMATICA – Electronic Invoicing – Cloud Software Development
Luna srl was involved in the server and web development of software for invoicing Public Administrations. The UNIFATT-PA solution, specifically designed for public entities, allows for the fully electronic and “dematerialized” management of both active and passive invoices. The application was developed by Luna Srl and Unimatica S.p.A. using web technology and can be installed on the entity’s servers or activated in ASP-SaaS mode (Application Service Provisioning – Software as a Service) using the facilities and Server Farm provided by Unimatica S.p.A., ensuring appropriate levels of security and business continuity, and full compliance with information protection regulations. The application operates in accordance with Agid and the Revenue Agency regulations. The system is multifunctional and manages both active and passive invoices electronically, according to the specific criteria of the passive and active cycles that characterize the entity’s operations. The UNIFATT platform consists of four distinct and interoperable modules, connected on one side to the SDI (Sistema di Interscambio) system of Sogei, and on the other to the entity’s management systems and compliant archiving. The UNIFATT modules allow an entity to fully manage the entire invoice cycle, both active and passive:
- UNIFATT-PA-PASS: Management of the entity’s passive invoices in connection with SDI
- UNIFATT-PA-ATT: Management of active invoices issued by the entity to other Public Administrations to be sent to SDI
- UNIFATT-PA-PRIVATI: Management of active invoices issued by the entity to private individuals
Today, the system is in production and used by various Italian Regions and Municipalities.
Service | Software Development |
Sector | Public Administration |
Year | 2014/2015 |
Objectives | Software development for invoicing Public Administrations |
Languages | JSP – Java Spring – Hibernate – Oracle |