Internet searches 2015: here are the winning words

2015 is coming to an end, and it’s time to take stock of the trends and events that have characterized this year.

How to do it?

Simple, just browse Google’s rankings of the most searched words, those that had interest percentages significantly above average. From this, it’s easy to understand what has struck and interested us the most during the current year; curious?

For the category of People, the top spots are occupied by:

#1. In the very first place is Pino Daniele, whose premature and accidental death affected the music world.

#2. The victory, or rather the Non-victory of Valentino Rossi in this year’s Moto GP sparked great interest and will remain one of the events we remember the most, placing the champion in second place.

#3. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, is on the third step of the podium, indicating that Italians have informed themselves and wanted to know who the new head of state is.

Other losses in the rankings include internet searches for the deaths of actresses Monica Scattini and Laura Antonelli and TG2 journalist Maria Grazia Capulli.

Closing the list of the most searched people are Rocco Siffredi, runner Pietro Mennea, Miss Italy Alice Sabatini, whose statement made her the subject of web irony, and Gabriel Garko, protagonist of the “done or not done” dispute that involved him after photos were released where he appeared “inflated.”

Internet Searches Words:

Besides Pino Daniele and Valentino Rossi, the rankings include Big Brother, Celebrity Island, Paris and Charlie Hebdo, Fifty Shades of Grey, and Sanremo 2015.

Why? This is the broadest category; it ranges from cultural and social questions to pure curiosity:

Why is Greece in crisis?

Why 21 gun salutes?

Why did Marino resign?

Why the red moon?

Why do you have two dads?

Why are they called Donatella?

Why did Christian and Virginia break up?

What does it mean?

The very first words whose meanings we don’t know are: Gender, Transgender, Isis, and Je Suis Charlie.

How to do it? Deserves. This ranking, for its variety, deserves:

The questions from internet surfers were: how to make olives in brine, electronic invoices, gorgonzola at home, and, last but not least, how to make a man fall in love and how to cuff pants.

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