SEO Optimization

The internet is now the primary tool for decision-making. Search engine ranking is far from being trivial: thanks to SEO optimization, you can appear among the top results in the SERP, which means you’ll be visible before your competitors, capturing the searches of customers interested in your service or product. Trust our SEO specialists!


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    More and more people rely on search engines on the internet to find information about companies, products, and services of all kinds: on average, over 50% of a website’s traffic comes from searches conducted on Google and other major search engines.

    Thanks to search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, it’s possible to improve the ranking of a website. Being among the top results on a SERP means being visible before the competition, capturing traffic from customers searching for a service or product.

    Our SEO specialists develop innovative strategies to improve the organic positioning of the websites of the businesses we support, through:

    • Comprehensive analysis of the technical features of the website
    • Research of the most effective keywords for your service/product
    • Link structure analysis to improve website navigation and indexing
    • Creation of specific content (Article Marketing) to boost ranking

    Through these activities, we create websites where the content can be optimally perceived and rewarded in the process of page scanning carried out by so-called spiders, which collect, analyze, and evaluate information before sending it to a complex system of algorithms that will define its position in the search network.

    Contact us today if you want to learn more.

    Luna is a global technology services and consulting company that helps businesses combine scalability with agility to gain a competitive advantage.

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