For streaming lovers, Popcorn Time is back!

Revived multiple times, then partially resurrected, and now hopefully back for good. Who are we talking about? One of the most beloved video streaming services: Popcorn Time!

For those unfamiliar, it could be described as the pirate Netflix; it offers all the services to watch movies and TV series, but unlike legal platforms, it offers them for free.

In its latest resurrection, the name changes to Popcorn Time Online, indicating that the new version will be web-based.

It will no longer be necessary to install the native application; simply install the Torrents Time plug-in before starting to use the service. After that, users can watch movies and TV series in streaming directly from the browser. The extension will incorporate the torrent directly into the browser, thus avoiding the need for a separate BitTorrent client.

Popcorn Time Online is available for all Windows versions from 7 onwards and on Mac OSX from 10.7 onwards. It is compatible with any browser, except for Safari and Edge at the moment.

Some positive aspects of the new version include:

  • Open source; It allows the service to be easily replicated, so if it is forced to shut down again, it could easily reopen.
  • Anonimato; Using the service ensures that users’ identities, linked to their internet connection’s IP address, will not be traceable. However, it’s important to remember that watching content through Popcorn Time is still illegal; those who use it do so at their own risk of viewing pirated content.

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