WhatsApp: 1 billion monthly users

There are just over 7 billion people in the world, which means that almost one in seven uses WhatsApp. After the initiative a few weeks ago to increase monthly active users, the most beloved messaging platform has already started to achieve its goals.

Active users have increased from 900 million to 1 billion.

To add some more staggering numbers, we could talk about the content exchanged daily on the platform:

  • 42 billion messages
  • 1.6 billion photos
  • 250 million videos
  • 1 billion groups

Currently, 53 languages are supported, and 57 engineers are working on it.

The purpose of WhatsApp, which is common to all social platforms, is to allow people to stay in touch, share moments and emotions with friends and family, and this goal is being achieved more and more every day.

From vital information that can be shared in emergencies to simple arrangements for meeting up, from exchanging thoughts with a friend to sharing opinions with a colleague, from asking for gift advice to sharing photos with people who are not with us, WhatsApp is the epitome of the new way of communicating and is becoming an increasingly integral part of people’s lives.

In short, it’s a service capable of improving our lives, all as explained by the executives, “without costs and without tricks.”

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